Oh, great! Another SAT Class! Just like all the others…
In all seriousness, the processes and strategies that I teach have a lot of overlap with what is taught in other programs. Which is logical…since there are certain ways of doing certain questions types that are known to work and are taught by nearly all SAT teachers.

If you’ve even read this far, then you’re probably curious where I’m going with this. I appreciate your curiosity and will do my best not to disappoint you (no guarantees though – there’s nothing super exciting about SAT prep).
So why me? While many of the strategies I teach are not unique, there are many insights that students literally couldn’t learn anywhere else and it’s for one simple reason: I’ve taken the SAT over 95 times (not including my 2 high school attempts).
This allows me to know exactly what it’s like to sit in that seat on test day and deal with unexpected challenges. While all SAT classes will teach students the technical skills of how to answer a certain question type, I go deeper.
I help students understand whether they should even attempt that question the moment they see it and all that goes into making that decision nearly instantly on the big day, when the clock is ticking hard, and we have all the pressure that this is the day when it truly counts.
In short, SAT success is much more than simply ‘knowing how to answer all the questions.’ It’s about learning how to manage your effort through each section, learning how to manage your psychological state, your thought patterns.
The only reason that I’m able to help students uncover what’s truly holding them back from higher scores is my vast experience with taking real SAT exams while carefully analyzing the entire experience.
So what next?
Should you read through the rest of this page?
Should you sign up for my next online class before it closes out?
But probably not.
Picking the right SAT class is an important decision and if you’d like to speak with me and ask all of your specific questions, then you should. I’m reachable at 516-388-6883. If I’m in the middle of teaching or otherwise unable to answer, I’ll get back to you asap (within 1 business day).
But if you’re all set and want to grab a seat right away, go right ahead. I’ll do my best to exceed your expectations.
So you (or your teenager) are preparing to sit the SAT, and you want to make sure you get a score that impresses college admissions officers.
But the SAT test is designed to be hard, because the College Board wants to assess how well students can navigate and analyze difficult questions – and how fast they can choose the correct answers while under pressure.
Which means that many students lose points on questions that they would have answered correctly under less stressful circumstances.
And even more students lose points on the questions that are intentionally tricky and misleading, thanks to the inclusion of appealing-but-incorrect answer options. Even a highly intelligent and well educated student can be tripped up by the complicated phrasing of questions and answers in the SAT test, resulting in a lower score.
To earn a high score on exam day, you need more than brains and high school education.
The best way to prepare for the SAT test is by:
- Learning exactly what the College Board is looking for,
- Developing effective strategies to identify correct and incorrect answers quickly,
- Acquiring a mindset of resilience, adaptability, motivation, and confidence,
- Getting really good at sticking to time limits, and
- Practicing repeatedly with a wide range of real SAT questions and answers.
Cover all of those five points, and you can be confident of doing well in the test. The only problem is, doing these five things on your own is not easy!
That’s why you need an expert SAT prep coach who has lots of personal experience of the test, as well as deep insight into what creates success.
Train with high-scoring SAT success expert Jake Berman
Jake is an SAT test preparation specialist, not a teacher or college student offering SAT prep tutoring as a side hustle. He founded Jake SAT Prep so that he could spend every working hour helping students master the skills required for success in their SAT exam.
With more than 19 years of experience in preparing students for the SAT, Jake knows exactly what goes into achieving a great score. He has taken the SAT test more than 95 times – with a close to perfect (or sometimes even a perfect) score each time – and continues to sit the SAT three times per year to keep his knowledge up-to-date.
Jake’s online SAT courses are not like other test prep courses, because he doesn’t simply tell you how to figure out the correct answers. To give every student a full understanding of what it takes to get an excellent SAT score, Jake explains not only what you need to know, but also how and why the College Board designs the questions and answers to test for specific capabilities. He also prepares you for everything surrounding the test day experience.
In fact, Jake’s classes are not only preparation for taking the SAT! They’re also excellent preparation for life, developing the analytical thinking, decision-making skills, grit, and confidence you need to excel in a wide range of situations from college to work to your personal life.
Important information for in and out of the exam room
“Jake’s program was a thorough and comprehensive review of the SAT that helped me to achieve scores that exceeded my own expectations, which are amazing assets to have for college applications! His lessons provided me with important information to know for in and out of the exam room and his encouragement kept me motivated throughout the trying testing season.”
Enjoyable and effective teaching
“Jake’s clear, comfortable, efficient, and friendly teaching style allowed me to enjoy coming to class and doing the homework every week. The class also helped with my 200 point increase from the PSAT to the SAT. I’m glad I took this class and I would recommend it to anyone.”
Vast knowledge and understanding of the test
“If anyone understands the SAT, it’s Jake. He is able to connect with his students through his vast knowledge and understanding of the test. He not only teaches students how to take the test, but he also offers advice specific to each student’s strengths and weaknesses. As a result of attending classes with Jake, my score rose 310 points from my PSAT to my SAT.”
Boosted my confidence and my score
“When one thinks of the SATs, the first word that comes to mind is torture. As a former student of Jake’s, I think of excitement… He keeps the material new and consistently finds ways to relay the information in a modern and quite comical way. When I finally sat down to take the test, I felt confident in my ability to perform well given the tools Jake provided. In the end, my score improved by over 300 points.”
Online SAT prep classes give you the advantage
During every live online SAT class with Jake, students get to watch and learn while question-and-answer sets are unpacked, analyzed, and explained. Then comes extensive practice, complete with engaging games, anecdotes, and opportunities to refine your understanding of what’s really going on with different types of SAT questions. Jake uses actual College Board SAT materials, so everything you learn is based on the real thing.
Because the SAT is designed with tricky language to misdirect students into incorrect answer choices, Jake will show you how to navigate complicated phrasing, cut through complexity, and spot and avoid common thought-traps. But the goal is not simply for you to learn how to arrive at the correct answer to each practice question… Jake’s training goes much deeper than that. The goal is for you to develop the ideal strategy for success with any SAT question you might ever face.
Jake dissects every question in depth to help you realize what the real issues are that prevent you from scoring higher. His entire approach is founded on helping you gain a deeper understanding of what you need to do differently, shifting your mindset and honing your strategy skills so that you can improve your score.
The other vital component of Jake’s online classes is accountability – because when students know their peers will be meeting up to do this SAT prep course together, they’re much more likely to engage and to stick with it. Setting aside a specific day and time for SAT prep training in a live group is a powerful way to create accountability and follow-through.
Classes will also cover logistical issues such as when to register for the exam, whether or not you should send your score to college admissions offices, and all the other questions you might have about the SAT system and procedures. Plus you’ll spend some of your class time discussing test day readiness so that you’re fully prepared for every moment and nothing catches you off guard.
What’s included:
In every SAT course, you’ll receive:
A 2-hour live online class with Jake each week
Insight into SAT strategies, concepts, and question types
Practice and explanations using real SAT questions
Weekly assignments to prepare for the next class
Answers to your questions about test preparation and content
Backup option to attend an alternate class or receive a recording
When and Where
Classes take place in our virtual classroom on Zoom.
Classes usually meet on Mondays or Tuesdays at around 7:00 PM EST, which allows students who live on the West Coast to be able to attend a class in the afternoon.
Start date options:
Online classes typically begin in March, July, October, and December.
Knowledgeable, entertaining and exciting
“After taking Jake Berman’s SAT prep class, my daughter improved both her reading and math scores by over a hundred points each. Jake was not only professional, proficient and extremely knowledgeable, but he was also entertaining and humorous. As a math teacher myself, I know how challenging it is to excite students about taking a test (especially a 4 hr. long one); Jake does it effortlessly.”
The best choice for our son’s future
“The choice of who to trust your child’s academic future to is a very difficult one. Essentially that is what you’re doing when you choose a particular company or individual to prepare your child for the so important SAT and/or ACT exams. The decision to entrust Jake Berman with that task was perhaps the best choice we could have made for our son’s future…. His enthusiasm and knowledge of these exams is truly amazing.”
First-choice university acceptance
“When my son needed to prepare for the SAT, I wanted to find a teacher who was patient, consistent and experienced. Jake fit that bill to the letter! He is a wonderful teacher – enthusiastic and approachable… Jake’s expertise and his strategy guided my son to success. From his PSAT score to the SAT score he submitted on his college applications, he improved by 500 points! He was accepted into the university that was his first choice!”
Different to other classes – highly recommended
“Last summer we had invested over $600 dollars for a SAT/ACT class that turned out to be a waste of time and money for our son. We could have purchased the review book and handed it to him and saved over $600 dollars… After sharing my experience with a friend, she recommended Jake’s class. We finally decided to register our son since this one seemed different from the past class… We would highly recommend this class to any student preparing for the SAT or ACT. The proof was in his test scores. He increased his total SAT score 210 points.”
A 500-point score improvement
“I have worked as an Admissions Officer and a High School Guidance Counselor for over twenty years. During that time, I invariably came into contact with a variety of different SAT/ACT test prep options. I would often ask my students about their experiences. Without a doubt, it was the name Jake Berman I kept hearing over and over again… It was not until I experienced Jake’s personality from a parent’s perspective that I truly understood… With his mental preparation complemented by the academic, he transformed my traditionally poor test taker son into a confident student. From start to finish, my son’s PSAT’s scores increased over 500 points in total!”
A master teacher; highly recommended
“Jake is a master teacher who motivates and guides his students through the testing process. It is amazing to see how much my son improved in the time that he spent in Jake’s classes… He is accessible and always makes time to speak with you regarding any questions you may have. I would highly recommend Jake Berman’s program. My son enjoyed his classes and always felt comfortable to ask questions. He taught my son important strategies on how to prepare for the SAT exam and helped him to achieve the goals that he had set.”
Every college application accepted (twice!)
“Jake came highly recommended to us and he lived up to and exceeded our expectations. My sons took his classes 3 years apart and looked forward to attending them. Their SAT scores went up hundreds of points. Both were accepted to every school they applied to.”
Frequently Asked Questions (and all the answers)
Q: How soon can I begin?
A: Click here to see available start dates. (If you’re eager to begin and don’t want to wait for the next official start date, you might be able to join a course that’s already underway. Contact us for details.)
Q: Do I need to attend every week?
A: Ideally, yes. SAT prep classes meet for 2 hours each week and attending each class is important for consistent learning. Specific lessons are taught each week, all of which are key to test day success.
Q: What if one week I can’t make it to my usual class?
A: If you’re unable to attend one of your regular classes due to a scheduling conflict, let us know at least a week in advance and we’ll give you the option to attend a different class via Zoom instead (or to receive a recording of the online class).
Q: Which course should I choose?
A: The most effective test prep course is the one you will attend consistently! So choose a course that meets at a time of year that suits your schedule.
Q: What if the course I want is sold out?
A: If the class you’re most interested in is full, send Jake a message to be added to the waitlist. He will reach out to you to confirm your place on the waitlist and to discuss alternative options.
Q: Are there any prerequisites?
A: No, there are no prerequisites. Anybody can join Jake SAT Prep courses, at any level of education or experience. In fact, the things that make the SAT tricky are consistent for all students, regardless of age or ability – and that’s why these group classes are so effective! Some of Jake’s students are high school juniors or seniors who have taken the SAT test before and are training to increase their score, while others are sophomores or even freshmen making an early start on their SAT preparation.
Q: Is this program up-to-date for the latest changes to the SAT test?
A: Yes! All of the questions and answers used for training are drawn from recent real-life SATs. With every new update to the SAT test, no matter how small, Jake adapts the materials and methods he teaches to align with the latest changes. He also sits the SAT several times per year, to ensure that he has the most current knowledge and direct personal experience with the exam.
Q: Does the program include SAT test registration?
A: Because every student’s situation and preferences are different, SAT test registration is not included. You will need to register with the College Board to sit the SAT. Jake will give you reminders of upcoming registration deadlines, as well as insight into when students should sit their first or second SAT exam.
Allowed me to consider better colleges
“When I first registered for Jake SAT Prep, I was an inexperienced and perplexed student who dreaded having to prepare for standardized testing. After attending the classes, I can honestly say that not only were they insightful, but enjoyable. Jake is passionate about teaching, which made class a very fun experience; his enthusiasm regarding everything SAT and his belief that each of us would be successful made me just as eager as he was! We never just sat and answered questions. Jake always made sure we were engaged by planning interactive lessons. …In March, I saw a 240 point increase on my exam. Jake SAT Prep has given me a new level of SAT expertise and allowed me to consider colleges that probably wouldn’t have accepted me without my improved SAT score.”
Engaging and memorable training
“Without this class, I would have never felt as confident as I did going into the exams. Jake taught me so many useful test taking tips and definitely prepared me for the material covered on the SAT. Not only was I prepared, but the class was also fun. Jake made sure to teach the material in an engaging way that would help me to actually remember and apply it! He also made himself easily accessible and wanted to see his students do well, so whenever I had a question or concern he was always willing to help.”
Couldn’t have done it without Jake
“My mother’s money was very well spent. With Jake, I wasn’t learning the same topics I was in school, I was learning strategies and how to dissect sentences in a way I never even thought to do before. I honestly don’t believe that I could have been so successful with anyone else but Jake. His experience alone lent incredible insight and the fact that he can meet every student at their individual level just proves that he really is one of the best.… I’ve seen my scores go from a 1340 to a 1500 with a 790 on critical reading and a 710 on math… I really was sad when the class ended. I never had a teacher who could explain things the way Jake did in such an easy to understand way.”
Knows the exam better than anyone
“Jake really knows his stuff and presents lots of cool tricks and techniques to taking the test. He is very enthusiastic, entertaining, and knows the exam better than anyone!”
Personalized strategy improved my score
“Jake Berman transformed the SAT prep process from agonizing and stressful to gratifying. He isolated my individual weaknesses and tailored a successful strategy that conformed to my personal needs. This allowed me to break old habits and understand challenging concepts while gathering self-confidence not only in my test taking abilities, but also in myself. Jake’s knowledge, patience, and inspiration helped me to improve my score over 200 points.”
Still not sure if Jake SAT Prep is the right fit?
Call us at (516) 388-6883 or send us an email to get your questions answered!
The SAT exam® is a trademark owned by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this service.