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Crash Course for the April 5th 2025 ACT Exam


Takes place on March 17th


Cost: $75


Location: Virtual Classroom

In this course students will learn the most important considerations, strategies, and pacing techniques for each section of the ACT. Instead of walking into the April 5th exam cold, benefit from expert insight that can make all the difference. While students who have already prepared for the SAT will learn how to tweak SAT reasoning skills for the differences of the ACT, all students will benefit from the lessons in this crash course. If students prefer the formant of the ACT and would like to give it another shot, the June ACT is just around the corner.

Payments are refundable until March 16th.

Monday, 6:30 to 8:30

Online Classroom

Instructor: Jake

Details Payment/Deposit Qty
Full Paymentshow details + $75.00 USD  

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Important ACT Dates

ACT Crash Course on ACT exam

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