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The Benefits of Online Classes

By now, you probably have a sense of online learning. You’ve experienced the occasional connectivity issues, the classmates who can’t seem to find the mute button, and the adorable but distracting pets. Maybe you’ve spent some time wondering if the person talking is...

Are colleges really waiving the SAT?

If you follow the SAT-related news—and who doesn’t?—you know that several colleges have decided to waive the SAT/ACT requirement for students in the class of 2021. Due to COVID-19, three of the seven annual SAT exam dates have been cancelled, and colleges around the...

June SAT Cancelled… Now What?

SAT Prep in the Age of Corona It all happened so quickly. We were preparing diligently for the March SAT when suddenly the College Board cut that exam. Less than a week later, they cancelled the May SAT. We rallied, focusing on getting ready for the June exam, but...

When Should Juniors Take the SAT?

I’ve been speaking to a lot of parents of rising juniors this summer and the most common question is when should a student take the SAT (the next most common question is “should we take the SAT or ACT” and you can find the answer to that here)? Let...